One day ABL on “Realization of Circuits”

One day ABL on “Realization of Circuits”

Department: EEE

Year/Sem: B.TECH & Diploma :-   IInd & IIIrd Year

Activity: One day ABL on “Realization of Circuits”

Date and Duration:

23 September, 2023 , 1 day

Title:- Realization of Circuits

Resource person/agency and affiliation:

Name:- Er. Piyush Agrawal, Er. Virendra Singh Solanki

Designation: Assistant Professor, Department of EEE

Brief description/remarks:-

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering organized an Activity Based Learning (ABL) on “Realization of Circuits” for second and third-year B. Tech and Diploma students. 

The activity aimed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the fundamentals of PCB design and hands-on experience in designing their own PCBs. 

The activity familiarizes participants with PCB design software tools It provides practical experience in designing a PCB from scratch. It also includes the different types of PCBs along with their handling process. By covering fundamental concepts, practical exercises, and advanced topics, it equips participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to create functional PCBs.

Outcomes: –

  • Hands-on Experience: Participants had the opportunity to design and create their own PCBs.
  • Learning Resources: Access to a wide range of resources, including design guidelines, templates, and reference materials, was provided to participants.
  • Practical Problem Solving: The workshop encouraged participants to address real-world design challenges, fostering creativity and problem-solving skills.

Total number of Participants: –18

Prepared by: Er. Piyush Agrawal Er. Virendra Singh Solnaki

Verified and Submitted by (HOD/HOI):-Prof. Virendra Jain, HOD , EEE