Mock Interview

Mock Interview

Department:        Electrical & Electronics Engineering

 Year/Sem:    Final Year Students (B.Tech. & Diploma)

Activity: “Mock Interview”

Date and Duration:  04/10/2023 (Wednesday) (01 Day)

Title: “Mock Interview- 1”

Resource Person/Agency and Affiliation:       Internal Faculty Coordinators: Mr. Virendra Singh Solanki & Mr. Kapil Kumar Badoliya

Brief description / remarks: 

Facing interviews are significant with theoretical and practical knowledge for an Engineer that makes him/her a complete Engineer. An activity “Mock Interview-I” for B. Tech & Diploma final year students on 04/10/2023 was organized by EEE Department. 

The mock interview for final year engineering students, aimed to prepare them for job interviews. Students participated in one-on-one session with interviewers, receiving immediate feedback on strengths and areas for improvement. This experience enhanced their interview skills, increased confidence, and provided networking opportunities. Organizers recommended regular sessions, collaboration with industry partners, and incorporating soft skills questions for comprehensive preparation. The event successfully bridged the gap between academia and the workforce, contributing to students’ employability.


  • Improved Interview Skills: Students gained valuable experience and feedback to enhance their interview skills.
  • Increased Confidence: The mock interviews helped boost students’ confidence in facing real job interviews.
  • Identifying Areas for Improvement: Students received specific feedback to work on their weaknesses.

Networking Opportunities: Interactions with industry professionals and faculty members provided networking opportunities.

No. of participants: 29

Prepared by:  Mr. Virendra Singh Solanki & Mr. Kapil Kumar Badoliya

Verified by (HOD/HOI): HOD: Mr. Virendra Jain